Best Markets for First-Time Buyers 2017 - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Best Markets for First-Time Buyers 2017

Texas is good for first-time home buyers, according to a new study by WalletHub, a personal finance resource. The Lone Star State boasts four of the top 10 locations for first-time home buyers in 2017; McKinney, Texas, ranked first on WalletHub’s list. “Cities in north Texas have very healthy housing markets and a high percentage of homes sold in the past year,” WalletHub analyst Jill Gonzalez told®. “Construction is flourishing in general, with high percentages of housing units built within the last five years.” WalletHub researchers analyzed 300 cities using 23 different indicators, including affordability, quality of life, cost of living, real estate taxes, crime rates, and more. The top 10 best places for first-time home buyers that topped its list for 2017 are:
  1. McKinney, Texas
  2. Frisco, Texas
  3. Allen, Texas
  4. Cary, N.C.
  5. Norman, Okla.
  6. Lincoln, Neb.
  7. Richardson, Texas
  8. Boise, Idaho
  9. Thornton, Colo.
  10. Murfreesboro, Tenn.
Source: WalletHub
  Source: “2017’s Best & Worst Places for First-Time Home Buyers,” (July 17, 2017) and “The 10 Best and Worst Cities for First-Time Home Buyers in 2017,”® (July 17, 2017)

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